radial riveting machine中文什么意思

发音:   用"radial riveting machine"造句
  • radial:    adj. 1.光线的;光线状的。 2 ...
  • rivet:    n. 铆钉。 vt. 1.(用铆钉) ...
  • machine:    n. 1.机(器),机械;机关,机构 ...
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. Comparison of radial riveting machine and orbital machine
  2. The series of radial riveting machine can add the automatic lubrication device
  3. Due to the adoption of radial riveting machine , the surface are bright and beauty and stability while processing , have no rock
  4. Jm3tq is a kind of small sized radial riveting machine and it driving by pneumatic , its adopted the advanced radial technology , the motion path of riveting - head resembles 11 pieces plum blossom s shapes
  5. In order to guarantee the request of accuracy of the work piece , all the series radial riveting machine are can add the tiny - scale device , the scale regulator are divided three kinds of specifications , they are 20mm , 30mm and 60mm . the different number representative different stroke of power head . each of scale representative the perpendicular distance 1 mm
    为保证铆接加工精度的要求,我公司可为客户提供加装刻度调节的服务,现将刻度盘的参数规格公布如下,标尺可分为20mm 30mm 60mm三种规格,分别对应不同工作行程的机型,每刻度代表1mm的垂直距离。


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